

TIGER Publications - Honours Theses
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Honours Thesis, Ryan Healy, Bachelor of Science (Space Physics), 2005.
Enhanced Beam Sterring Capability for TIGER SuperDARN radars.
Ryan Healy, Supervisors: Dr. M. L. Parkinson and Prof. P. L. Dyson.

Honours Thesis, Robert Greenwood, Bachelor of Science (Space Physics), 2004.
Observation of Bragg-Type Ocean Doppler Spectra with the TIGER SuperDARN radar.
Robert Greenwood, Supervisors: Dr. M. L. Parkinson and Prof. P. L. Dyson.

Honours Thesis, Kevin Hannah, Bachelor of Science (Space Physics), 2004.
Autocorrelation functions and Doppler spectra measured by the TIGER SuperDARN radar.
Kevin Hannah, Supervisors: Dr. M. L. Parkinson and Prof. P. L. Dyson.

Honours Thesis, Brendan Doherty, Bachelor of Science (Space Physics), 2004.
A Statistical Analysis of Ionospheric Echoes Detected by the TIGER SuperDARN Radar.
Brendan Doherty, Supervisors: Dr. M. L. Parkinson and Prof. P. L. Dyson.

Honours Thesis, Deanna Matthews, Bachelor of Science (Space Physics), 2003.
Optimising Meteor Echo Detection Rates for the TIGER SuperDARN Radar.
Deanna Matthews, Supervisors: Dr. M. L. Parkinson and Prof. P. L. Dyson.
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