

TIGER Publications - General Conference Papers
All Publications are available online and are presented in pdf format.
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Radar, 2003.
The Tasman International Geospace Enviroment Radar (TIGER) - Current Development and Future Plans,
Proceedings of the International Conference on, 3-5 Sept., 2003, pp. 363-367.
P. L. Dyson, J. C. Devlin, M. L. Parkinson, and J. S. Whitington.
Paper |

Proceedings of the International Conference on Radar, 2003.
An Inversion Technique for obtaining Quasi-Parabolic layer parameters from VI Ionograms
Radar 2003, Proceedings of the International Conference on, 3-5 Sept., 2003, pp. 363-367.
Norman, R.J., Paper.
Backscatter Ionogram Inversion
Radar 2003, Proceedings of the International Conference on, 3-5 Sept., 2003, pp.
368-374. Norman, R.J., Paper. |

URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, The Netherlands, August 17-24 2002.
Statistical behaviour of the polar cap, auroral,
and subauroral ionosphere imaged with the TIGER HF radar Murray
L. Parkinson, John C. Devlin, Peter L. Dyson, Mike Pinnock, Harvey
Ye, Ray J. Morris, and Colin L. Waters. Paper

Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Wellington, New Zealand, July 9-12 2002.
The Tasman International Geospace Environment
Radar I (TIGER I): Initial results and future directions M.
L. Parkinson, P. L. Dyson, M. Pinnock, J. C. Devlin, and C. L. Waters.
Abstract, Poster
Variability in the response time of the high-latitude
ionosphere to IMF and solar-wind variations M. L. Parkinson,
M. Pinnock, and P. L. Dyson. Abstract,

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