

TIGER Publications - Australian Institute of Physics National Congress
All Publications are available online and are presented in pdf format.
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The 17th National
of the AIP, Brisbane, Queensland 4 - 8 December 2006. - Contributed Presentations:
Propagation of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances over the Southern Ocean,
P. L. Dyson
, K. J. W. Lynn and M. L. Parkinson; Abstract
Directional Wind Measurements of the Southern Ocean Using the TIGER and Unwin SuperDARN radars,
R. L. Greenwood
, M. L. Parkinson, H.Ye and P. L. Dyson; Abstract
Towards a Synthesis of Substorm Electrodynamics: HF Radar and Auroral Observations,
Grocott, A.
M.Lester, M. L. Parkinson, T. K. Yeoman, P. L. Dyson and H. U. Frey; Abstract
Complexity in the solar wind over multiple solar cycles,
Healey, R. C.
, M. L. Parkinson, and P. L. Dyson, Abstract
Enhanced beam steering capabilities for the TIGER SuperDARN radars,
Healey, R. C.
, M. L. Parkinson, J. C. Devlin, M. Gentile, and H. Ye; Abstract
An Auroral Westward Flow Channel (AWFC) and its Relationship to Field-Aligned Current, Ring Current, and Plasmapause Location Determined Using the Cluster and Iridium Satellites,
Parkinson, M. L.
, J. A. Wild, C. L. Waters, M. Lester, E. A. Lucek and P. M. E Décréau; Abstract
Observations of a Phase Transition in the Plasma Turbulence Across the HF Radar Spectral Width Boundary,
Parkinson, M. L.
K. M. Hannah; Abstract

The 16th National
of the AIP, Australian National University, A.C.T., 30 January - 4 February 2005. - Contributed Presentations:
Indications of small-scale wind systems in Earth's auroral thermosphere
M. Conde,
M. F. Larsen, E. Wescott, H. Stenbaeck-Nielson, J. D. Craven, D. Lummerzheim, J. Hawkins, B. Johnson, and R. W. Smith;
Multivariate analysis of 630-nm observations from Mawson Station, Antarctic
T. P. Davies, P.L. Dyson, B. E.Booth, and J. L. Innis;
Climatic and diurnal variability in the occurrence of 10-m scale irregularities in the auroral ionosphere
B. P. Doherty, M. L. Parkinson, and P. L. Dyson;
SuperDARN: A new network of HF radars for oceanographic research
R. I. Greenwood, M. L. Parkinson, A. S. Yukimatu, and H. Ye;
Observations of a phase transition in the plasma characteristics across the open-closed magnetic field line boundary
K. M. Hannah, M. L. Parkinson, P. L. Dyson, and J. C. Devlin;
IMAGE, Geotail and TIGER observations of a magnetospheric substorm
M. Lester, M. L. Parkinson, K. McWilliams, P. L. Dyson, J. A. Wild, H. Frey, and T. Nagai;
Are there signatures of complexity in fluctuating magnetospheric electric fields electric fields implied by HF radar observations of ionospheric Doppler Shift?
M. L. Parkinson, N. Watkins, S. Chapman, Bogdan Hnat, and M. Pinnock;
Tomographic observations of the plasmasphere using FedSat
E. Yizengaw, P. L. Dyson, and E. A. Essex;

The 14th National Congress
of the AIP,
University of Adelaide,
S.A., 10-15 December 2000. -
Contributed Presentations:
HF digital ionosonde and TIGER backscatter radar
observations of magnetospheric electric fields penetrating the southern-hemisphere
mid-latitude ionosphere M. L. Parkinson, M. Pinnock, P. L. Dyson,
J. C. Devlin, C. L. Waters, and P. R. Smith; Abstract
Rates of occurrence of TIGER HF radar echo parameters
sorted according season, the Kp index, and the interplanetary magnetic
field at sunspot maximum M. L. Parkinson, J. C. Devlin, M. Pinnock,
P. L. Dyson, C. L. Waters, and P. R. Smith; Abstract

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