Consortium, Scientific and Management Team
The TIGER project was initiated by Professor Peter Dyson in the Department of Physics and the radars were developed by Professor John Devlin in the Department of Engineering.
The TIGER radars are supported and operated by a consortium of university, government, and international partners and each organisation is represented by a Co-Investigator on the Scientific and Management Team.

Prof. J.Devlin and Prof. P. Dyson with the TIGER Radar in the background.

Prof. J.Devlin, Dr. P.Smith, M.Gentile, S.Wang, S.Merrifield, Jin Li and Prof. P.Dyson
(1999 - Project Team)

(2004 - Project Team)

(The Engineering Excellence Award - Research \ Development and Innovation).
Scientific and Management Team
Principal Invesitgator:
Prof. John Devlin - La Trobe University
Honorary Principal Investigator:
Prof. Peter Dyson - La Trobe University
Dr. John Bennet - Monash University
Prof. Brian Fraser - Newcastle University
Dr Ray Morris - Australian Antarctic Division
Dr. Bruce Ward - DSTO
Dr. Phil wilkinson - IPS Radio & Space Service
Mr. Mike Pinnock - British Antartic Survey
Dr. Andrew McDonald - La Trobe University
Additional Scientists:
Prof. Fred Menk - Newcaslte University
Dr. Colin Waters - Newcastle University
Dr. Murray Parkison - Bureau of Meterology
Dr. Robert Greenwood - Bureau of Meterology
Dr. Roman Makarevich - Geophysical Institute Alaska
Dr Andrew McDonald - La Trobe University
Data Management:
Karthik Kamalakkannan
Project Manager:
Prof. John Devlin
Engineering Project Team for Tiger Bruny & Unwin Radars:
Prof. John Devlin
Dr. Paul Smith
Dr. Harvey Ye
Mark Gentile
Steven Wang
Jin Li Huang
Tim Smith
Peter Devlin
Steven Merrifield
Engineering and Space Physics Project Team for Tiger 3 Radar:
Prof. John Devlin
Dr. Vinh Vu
Dr. Thanh Nguyen
Dr. Andrew McDonald
Jim Whittington
Eddie Custovic
Darrell Elton
Quang Hung Nguyen
Karthik Kamalakkannan
Mark Gentile
Steven Wang
Adam Console
Brian Bienvenu
Emma Bland
Tom Kane